
Monday, August 22, 2011

28 Ways To Make A Girl Smile

sebelum aku bg tips tu , 
aku mntk MAAF ek 
cOz tips nie aku just copy paste jew ..
rmai yg xtau kn ?
so , tngOk2 ek ..
to boys : ikut cra nie ek :)
comfirm , gf korang hepy :D

[1] tell her she is Beautiful. not hot or fine.

[2] hold her hand at ANY moment even if it is just for a second.
[3] Kiss her on the forehead.

[4] leave her voice messages to wake up to.

[5] ALWAYS tell her you love her at any & and all times.

[6] when she is upset, hold her tight & tell her how much she means to u.

[7] recognize the small things ..they usually mean the most.

[8] call her Sweetie or BABY.

[9] Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.

[10] pick her over all the OTHER girls you hang out with.

[11] write her notes.(she loves them)

[12] introduce her to family & friends as your girlfriend.

[13] play with her hair.

[14] pick her up, tickle her, & play WRESTLE with her.

[15] sit in the park & just TALK to her.

[16] tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her joke.

[17] throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because u missed

[18] let her fall asleep in your arms.

[19] carve your names into a TREE.

[20] if she`s mad. Kiss her !

[21] give her piggyback rides.

[22] bring her flowers just because.

[23] treat her the same around your friends as you do when you`re alone.

[24] look her in the eyes & Smile.

[25] let her take as many pictures as she wants.

[26] SL0W DANCE with her, even if there isn't any music playing.


[28] if you`re in love with her tell her.

so  , camne ? ok x ? HAHA , best kn ade bf ..
kalu aku dpt MR ? kn best ! HAHA

Saturday, August 20, 2011

blog ?

hye , nie blog aku yg ketiga ! woo ~ bnyak gilee blog aku kan .
act , blog2 aku nie laen2 tau .
ape yg laen ?
dari segi pnceritaan , design blog .
aku nie xla berape pro dlm edit2 blog nie ,
ala kadar tu boley la .. HAHA

Ok ! ape yg bes blog nie ?
sOalan yg sngt rumit =.=
bg aku : blog ialah DIARI yg kedua kita .
ape ? DIARI ?
yes D I A R I ..
msty korang mngnggap DIARI tu DIARI yg personal tu..
kalau DIARI korang personal , jgn la buad entry , nnty korang jugak malu .
kan ? kan ?

selain itu , korang jugak boleyh LUAHKAN PERASAAN . 
yer .. xtipu ..
dari korang pergi ats bukit pastu *ARRRGGGHHH*
anda faham ?
korang MARAH , SEDIH , JELES , SO ON~~
boleyh ringankan otak korang yg penuh dgn problem yg laen ..
HAHA , bagus kan BLOG nie :)

bg aku lg  , BLOG nie ibarat kawan ..
yeah , BFF .
kadang2 , blog nie lebih memahami kita , 
dri kawan2 yg mnyusahkan kita ..

sperti biasa , BLOG nie dpt mncari kawan .. kita  boleyh FOLLOW blog kawan2 ..

okey la , tu je kot untuk first entry aku :)